Toronto Skyline

I live on the west side of Bloor Street, known as the Annex in downtown Toronto. The Annex is a vibrant neighbourhood energized by its close proximity to the University of Toronto. Many bars, restaurants and cafes crowd together along Bloor Street West. From my bedroom I hear the entire hustle and bustle of Bloor Street West: from day to night. The gentle hum of chatter and traffic can sometimes be meditative. On a clear day I can see the top of the CN tower from my bedroom window which faces south.

The architect inside me wanted to paint the Toronto skyline and have the CN tower sketched directly on my bedroom wall. I obliged. Check out how a simple feature wall can transform the look of any ordinary bedroom!!


Although the bedroom is large, the dark green stripes made it feel significantly smaller.

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Lighter colours make the room feel more spacious. I used an off-white paint with black accents throughout the room. PVC tape was used to create a stencil as it can be peeled off cleanly. Using that as a guide, I manually drew the skyline with a long metal ruler and thick, black sharpie pen!

My bedroom editedThis minimalist skyline art is small tribute to the city that is changing my life. The past year in Canada has been an amazing journey so far. Follow me in 2016: I predict another big year ahead in Toronto!




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