How Art Can Be Healing
If anything good has come out of 2020, it's that many of us have probably picked up a new hobby or two. Because let's face it - most of us have more time on our hands! Or maybe you've been able to finish reading that book you've always wanted to? Or maybe you're using this time to do some soul searching?
Whatever it is, being creative and finding your inner child can be soothing for the mind during difficult times. I read this book "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert about four years ago - it helped me find the courage to transition from my career in architecture to art. And today, I continue to re-read some chapters to remind me of some words of wisdom worth revisiting. After reading this book, I try to always include something creative with my time everyday. Whatever it is you've been doing in your spare time, make sure it is truly something you love doing. For centuries people used art as a way to express their feelings and improve their well-being. From a very young age, we instinctively use writing, drawing and painting as a way to communicate, reduce stress and express emotions. But as adults, we often forget about the beneficial effects of art.
Speaking of exploring your creativity - have you seen our latest art obsession? Earlier this year, the #ToonMe challenge became the latest craze of the social media art world. It challenges artists to take selfies of themselves and turn half a photo into a cartoon while leaving the other half as is. I've always loved digital portraits and this trend inspired me to create an entire collection of cartoon illustrations on Autodesk Sketchbook. Check out more of my fun creations by clicking the image below.

Ever wondered what you look like as a cartoon? Or maybe you'd like to turn someone you love into a cartoon? I am so excited to offer these illustrations to my followers. Send me a photo and I will turn it into a cartoon. The higher resolution your photo file is, the better the result. This is because I trace directly from the photo you provide. A truly unique gift for someone special - pre-order now on our Shopify website! Below is our very first creation when the #ToonMeChallenge first started earlier this year.
For the first few months of 2020, the #ToonMe challenge has taken the digital art world by storm. What is something creative that you started during quarantine? Art can be healing because it forces you to forge a connection between your mind and your body. Unlike exercise, which works your body, or meditation, which clears your mind, art-making accesses BOTH mind and body. Every time you sit down to write a song or paint a picture, or even cook a creative meal, you are using mental processes in a physically engaging activity.
I hope in this challenging year, you also find the time to work on a personal passion project.